Following discussions with a number of consultants, we engaged with RVA, who were able to demonstrate a track record of managing comparable projects in other industrial sectors. The principal goal was absolutely clear to the whole team in that the maintenance of highest achievable HSE standards, in every facet of the project was, a non-negotiable driver. RVA was appointed as the CDM-C duty holder to support ENGIE (formely GDF SUEZ) in achieving that goal…

… The RVA brief included the comprehensive pre-qualification of demolition companies, compilation of the bid documentation, support to the site decommissioning team, assessment of tender returns and recommendation of a demolition contractor. An area where RVA’s input resulted in a tangible gain for our company, was in the detailes analysis of the biddrs’s submissions and translating their evaluations of scrap tonnages agaist the cost of works. This enabled us to derive the optimum return from our decommissioned assetts without compromising the ability to uphold both HSE and commercial security.
