The first stage of the process began with RVA’s Decommissioning and Dismantling Strategy Assessment and Report which was very helpful in providing a straightforward roadmap for cleaning all the plant and equipment and rendering it safe and in a known condition ready for the second phase of dismantling. This decommissioning stage started whilst the facility was a Top Tier COMAH site, and the works were undertaken safely and professionally by RVA, resulting in the facility exiting the COMAH Regulations before the dismantling activities commenced. The close liaison between RVA and the Environment Agency and the Health and Safety Executive proved invaluable in successfully achieving this goal. RVA also provided both project management and CDM Co-ordinator services for the dismantling process from the pre-qualification of suitable contractors, during the rigorous tender and appointment stage and throughout the on-site activities. The dismantling has now come to a successful conclusion with all the project drivers; safety, quality, regulatory compliance, adherence to programme and budget all being delivered by RVA’s proactive and professional approach. In conclusion, RVA’s involvement in the project has been one of the key aspects of its success, so far.
St Pauls Developments