Due to the often inherently hazardous nature of processing environments, it is important that potentially contaminated land is restored to an agreed state, to maximise its future potential.
This phase of work typically represents the latter stages of a site’s operational lifespan with one organisation, but naturally paves the way for the space to be regenerated for a range of possible uses.
RVA tackles this portfolio of services just like any other – with maximum respect for EHS excellence and project cost control.

Professional engineers and technical advisers
The remediation of contaminated land usually represents just as much of a step into the unknown as the decommissioning exercises encountered during the earlier phases of an asset’s lifecycle.
With decades of experience in supporting the regeneration of vast former industrial sites, RVA supports clients with the development of remediation strategies, support to define the scope of works, input into the subsequent tender process, and the onward project management of the remediation works execution itself.
Environmental permit surrender and lease exit support
Exactly which environmental permits need to be surrendered will depend on factors such as the site’s former use and local legislation. But working with the client, enforcing bodies and land owners, RVA’s goal is to progress projects to a full and timely completion, on budget and in line with both desirable or non-negotiable milestones. The result is compliance assurance and the avoidance of costly fines that would otherwise add to the financial weight of the project.
EU Directive 57/92 and CDM compliance services
The EU Directive exists to regulate the management of safety until the very end of a decommissioning project. So, if remediation works are required once assets are cleared from a site, we are often retained to maintain regulatory duty holder responsibilities until the final hour. In the UK, this falls in line with CDM compliance, but having completed projects throughout Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia, we are experienced in working to upholding the requirements of varying regulatory standards.
As the project evolved, GrowHow extended RVA’s remit to include a ground remediation contract and a complex dismantling-for-export contract. All contracts were completed in a timely manner, and no disputes or claims arose.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your team for the thorough and professional way in which you worked throughout the project.
Regulatory duty holder and legislative compliance support
Regulatory duty holder frameworks differ from one country to the next, but the important point to note here is that the RVA team is used to quickly acclimatising itself to local standards. In truth, legislative requirements only ever set the minimum benchmark for site safety protocol, so whether we’re project managing the decommissioning, demolition and dismantling, or remediation phase of works, we will never deviate from best practice, to keep personnel and the surrounding communities safe.
Environmental, Health and Safety – inspections, audits and management
Safety and protection of the environment is just as important during remedial works. We therefore guide and support clients’ teams at all times, to ensure operations continue to be undertaken using best-practice procedures and methodology, strictly in accordance with ever-evolving and increasingly stringent legislation.
From continued EHS site supervision to the auditing of waste management practices, RVA is experienced in inspecting and managing environmental, health and safety standards on sites that are home to world scale process plant such as refineries with integrated chemical production.
Contaminated land and remediation management
Environmental protection is coming under increasing scrutiny, therefore once a site is cleared, we are frequently appointed or retained to oversee ongoing remedial works. Often perceived by clients as an overly complex process, it is actually possible to devise relatively simple and cost-effective contaminated land remediation methodologies.
By assembling a skilled remediation team and supervising this phase of the project, we will ensure pollution is eradicated and the restoration of land is completed to an agreed state, within budget. This usually helps to pave the way for an exciting future for the site, once again.
Remediation works signal agrichem project completion
While RVA was appointed to deliver contractor appointment, contract management, and EHS coordination for Nufarm's decommissioning project at Belvedere, the scope of our involvement went on to extend beyond this initial CDM regulations brief. Working closely alongside Nufarm's environmental consultants, we were able to bring this complex agrichem project to a successful close.
Physical, virtual or hybrid decommissioning support
When it comes to our provision of decommissioning services, we can adopt varied deployment methods, including a physical on-site presence, virtual support, or a hybrid approach. Exactly what is feasible will depend on the scope of work involved, and decisions will always be made on the grounds of safety. However, where possible we will actively seek to make best use of technology and remote or geographically diverse resources, to reduce the unnecessary carbon impact of travel, and keep programmes progressing fluidly whatever else may be going on in the world.